Project Cargo
Project cargo is typically out of gauge cargo with a high value and often time critical. These may be huge loads but can be as delicate as a computer with a weight of a small ship. They will be exposed to the outside elements and even lifting the item will involve complex calculations so careful planning in carrying these items is crucial. Not withstanding the loss or damage to the cargo, which may be insignificant in comparison to the costs resulting from the delay or absence of this part.

Voyage Planning
Even before moving project cargo careful consideration needs to be taken in terms of how to get it there. Also consider whether the port can even load such cargo, have a suitable vessel, or have the right personnel.
Ensure the Port can accept the ship and berth safely alongside and of course at destination.
Ensure the Port has adequate crane and lifting capabilities.
Ensure the ports have skilled personnel or have arrangements to extend support if needed.
Pre-Shipment Planning
When it has been determined the route is sufficient attention needs to be focused on making preparations.
Ensure you have adequate insurance in place.
Instruction of superintendents, surveyors, certification agents and any other experts ready.
Shipment Details providing to master well in advance.
Lashing/Securing calculated and clearly marked.
Planning for heavy weather or difficulties.
Special clearance from authorities or insurers may need to be obtained.
Stowage Planning
Once the cargo is ready to be loaded on the vessel it is important that care is taken to ensure the cargo is protected but does not cause any damage to itself or to vessel or crew.
Ensure adequate protection is provided against the elements.
Ensure adequate stowage supplies are provided on board the vessel.
Ensure all foundations are sufficient for sea movement.
Ensure the number of fastenings, securing, buttresses, etc are sufficient.
Absolutely no movement.
Weather routing/forecasts are obtained.
During Voyage/Project
Whether a short or long transit the carriage of project cargo should involve continued careful checks:
Weather forecasts are regularly checked.
If any adverse weather, then planned action needs to be taken.
Additional securing may be required, or deviation considered.
Securing and stowage should be monitored.

​When claims occur, they are big, very big. Normally with the level of expertise involved generally wilful mistakes are luckily rare, but they do happen. Some common problems are:
Warranties on policies breached or not respected with due care
Contracts and/or agreement not approved by insurers
Inadequate preparation for insurance, authority approval, experts, etc
Inadequate preparation for risks or adverse weather
Failure or inadequate weather routing reports
​Insurance is very important for project cargo not withstanding for the high level of cargo loss but the additional exposure.
Cargo Insurance
The insured will obviously require cargo insurance in the event of loss but considering the very nature of the move, very strict requirements may be warranted. This generally means the instruction of surveyors, superintendents, certification companies and other experts. Depending on the location, the instruction may be limited and since a number of parties with different interests are involved it would be recommended to obtain their instructions sooner than later.
Liability Insurance
The forwarders or carriers will need to seek special permission from their liability insurers and in the same way as cargo insurance strict, warranties may apply. Again, it is recommended that the instructions of experts is obtained sooner than later.
P&I Insurance
The insurers for the carriers or vessel owners for cover against liability to cargo, crew, vessel, pollution, etc.
Delay in Start up (DSU) & Advanced Loss of Profits (ALOP)
This insures against the loss of income and profit arising from the late or no delivery of the project cargo. More often than not, this is in relation to a bespoke piece of equipment that cannot readily be re-sent in case of a problem. It may need to be re-made and this may take months. During this time the project may slow or cease so the costs can be substantial.